Programming UI for Critters
I never really thought about how UI is coded for games. For me, mostly working with OS level APIs UI was something that's handled by the OS and I just mostly put my controls on the provided IDE's canvas and code away - mostly. Even for fun, when making mechanical prototypes at home, UI was almost an afterthought. The most I ever made was maybe a start screen with a few buttons to start game or quit game. It worked fine for my needs and even when I started seriously working on ABC-Pop , UI was the last thing I started to work on. Pretty much all the mechanics for the game was finished at that time. I mean, how hard can it be? Put buttons on the window, and when clicked, change something. Well, as it turns out it can be pretty fucking hard. I soon found myself entangled in 3 separate execution loops all firing different type events toward the main loop all juggling in my head and me trying to keep it all under control. And if you've seen the trailer for ABC-Pop you can a...